There are many mock providers, so why should I book Eleven Plus Exams' mocks?
With Eleven Plus Exams, you can be sure that you are dealing with an established professional company that operates from a registered address where we can be visited or contacted by telephone. Be wary of some online businesses that may not have physical premises and are only contactable via an online contact form, email, or mobile number on their websites.
We have a solid reputation in the field of selective school entrance exams and have been established in this field for 16 years. We created the first dedicated 11 plus website and host UK’s largest online forum. We are a publisher of the 11+ Essentials First Past the Post® series of 60 books and a provider of software to schools, as well as a tutoring company.
We have also been commissioned to write real entrance papers by some Independent Schools and this process has enabled us to develop a stringent process (similar to that of an examination board, but on a smaller scale) of testing our material to ensure realistic timing, appropriate difficulty, and ensuring that all questions are of exam standard.
Mocks are authentic and tailored to exam boards
Our Mock Exams are professionally prepared by our own tutors and authors and specifically mirror those set by the examining bodies. We do not write generic papers that cater for two exam boards. The value of such generic papers is limited as they are bound to contain question types that are not relevant to the exam your child will sit, or will omit some question types that are relevant. Furthermore, their composition, content, time pressure and difficulty level will be far removed from the real exam. The main purpose of a mock exam is for your child to sit a test that is as close as possible to the real exam that he or she will sit for their particular school. Feedback from our customers, as well as our enrolled students, is that our mocks were closer to the real exams, when compared with other providers' mocks, in terms of format, content, difficulty and time pressure.
Classroom tested
Through our experience in writing real entrance exams for some of the Independent Schools, we have developed a process of testing our material to ensure realistic timing, appropriate difficulty, and ensuring that all questions are of exam standard. Each of our mock exams are tailored to mirror the format of a single examining board and are tested on pupils to ensure the correct level of difficulty and time pressure.
Full length test papers
Our Mock Exam tests are all full length. We do not use shortened 30 minute exams. Reducing the length of a paper, even if it is tailored to one examining board, can significantly distort its composition when compared with the real exam. Even longer length papers cannot closely match a real exam if they are promoted as suitable for more than one exam board.
Multiple-choice answer sheets are marked by OCR software
Answer sheets are scanned using OCR software as used by the examination boards giving your child the opportunity to eliminate any potential lost marks due to incorrectly marking the sheets.
Prepared in-house and not publicly available
All our papers are prepared in-house for the exclusive use of Eleven Plus Exams Mocks and therefore will not have been seen before by your child. To maintain the best quality we will only use our own mock papers, which have been tested in class. If you do book your child's mock exam with more than two providers (other than us, ElevenPlusExams) it is important to check that they are not obtaining their 11 plus mock papers from the same supplier so as to avoid the risk of your child sitting the same paper.
Guaranteed high quality papers
We strive to provide the best quality mock papers set to a realistic difficulty level since the value of a mock exam session is only as good as the quality of the paper sat.
Our feedback reports are comprehensive
One of the main reasons our exams are popular with parents is the peer-comparison and detailed feedback reports provided, which help to gauge progress and identify areas of weakness. Access to all incorrect and skipped questions Although the full mock exam papers are not released in full due to copyright, our feedback reports will provide access to all questions that are skipped or incorrect, so that you may more easily identify your child's weak spots. The questions can be re-attempted at home again before revealing the answer to your child so that you can verify whether your child has gaps in their knowledge.
Prompt results
IN-PERSON MOCKS: Our feedback reports are usually issued on the same day that your child sat an in-person exam. We have a team that will scan all answer sheets and then review all entries on computer software to check individual answers. Where there are queries, for example if there are two answers given for a question (because a child did not properly rub out their first answer) or if the marking is faint and may appear as a skipped question. This ensures a further level of checking is carried out, as with the real exams and therefore reduces any queries on the marking. Our marking team can carry out this process so that reports are ready to be emailed to parents within hours of the exam.
ONLINE MOCKS: Our feedback reports software runs at regular intervals each day to automatically update scores so you will never have to wait more than 1 or 2 hours to receive your child's feedback report.
Exam conditions
All 11 plus mock exams will be conducted as strictly as the real exams to simulate the mock exam experience. This includes the exam rubric and all other formalities.
Safe environment
All mock tests are held in a safe and controlled environment (at our own premises or alternative venue) with a high staff to pupil ratio to ensure safety and wellbeing of the children. All staff are checked by Disclosure and Barring Service.