Please click on the question for the answer
I have forgotten my password
If you have forgotten your password, follow the steps below:
- On the Mocks Booking System home page mocks.elevenplusexams.co.uk, click on the Login button in the top right corner of the screen.
- On the login screen, click on the link Forgot Password.
On the Password Reset screen,
- enter your email address that you first registered with on the Mocks Booking System
- click on the Password Reset button
- NOTE: If your email address was registered on the Mocks Booking System, the system will send you an email to the address entered above.
- Open your email application and you should find an email from noreply@elevenplusexams.co.uk with the subject Eleven Plus Exams Mocks: Reset password instructions. If you are unable to find this email, please check your SPAM/JUNK folder.
- Open the email containing the instructions and click on the Reset Password button. This will open a screen prompting you to enter and confirm your new password.
- Once you have entered the new password successfully, you will be automatically logged into the Mocks Booking System.
Please remember to keep a note of your new password for future use.
There are many providers, why should I book your mock exams?
With Eleven Plus Exams, you can be sure that you are dealing with a respected and professional company that operates from a registered address where we can be visited or contacted by telephone. Be wary of internet businesses that only provide an online form or PO Box address on their websites.
We have a solid reputation in the field of selective school entrance exams and have been established in this field for 12 years. We created the first dedicated 11 plus website and host UK’s largest online forum. We are a publisher and provider of software to schools, as well as a tutoring company.
Through our experience in writing real entrance exams for some of the Independent Schools, we have developed a process of testing the material to ensure realistic timing, appropriate difficulty, and ensuring that all questions are of exam standard.
Each of our mock exam papers are tailored to mirror the format of a single examining board and are tested on pupils to ensure the correct level of difficulty and time pressure. Many other mock exam providers create generalised papers, which are used nationally via third parties who run their mocks and are promoted as being suitable for all boards and schools. Some providers have single subject papers of 30 minutes in length whereas none of the grammar school exams are of this length. Longer length papers cannot closely match a single examining board’s exam if they are promoted as suitable for all boards and schools: for example, a mock exam cannot be suited for Queen Elizabeth Boys' school as well as Latymer School as both schools use different exam bodies.
The value of such generic papers are limited in giving your child exposure to exam conditions, as they are bound to contain question types that are not relevant to the exam your child will sit or will omit some question types that are relevant; furthermore, their composition, content, time pressure and difficulty level will be far removed from the real exam.
All of our mock exams papers are created in-house by subject specialist authors and teachers to a standard that enables us reliably assess the prospects of our own students. The papers are exclusive to Eleven Plus Exams and we do not sell or provide them via third party tutors for their own mocks. Although the full mock exam papers are not released due to copyright, our feedback reports provide access to all questions that are skipped or incorrect, so that you may more easily identify your child's weak spots.
What is the difference between the Sets A, B, C etc?
We produce multiple papers for each type of mock so as to enable your child to sit several papers. All papers sets are of equal exam level difficulty and so can be sat in any order. When booking, please avoid booking the same paper set within the exam boards e.g. do not book CEM Set A for a second date if you have already booked an earlier date for Set A.
How many mocks should my child sit?
From experience of running courses, we know that no amount of tuition and home practice can prepare your child for real exam conditions, and therefore, we recommend for children to sit three or more mock exams. Children aged 10-11 years have little experience of exam conditions, as timed curriculum tests at school are far more relaxed and in their familiar surroundings. Some children find even the mock exams intimidating and get very nervous and have difficulty remaining focused. We find that our own Year 5 students make greater progress with exam performance by sitting more mock exams as opposed to extending their tuition lessons.
We recommend that your child's first mock exam is not left until the summer period, because of the risk of causing worry and distress if your child does not perform well.
We also recommend booking one early mock exam, just so give you an idea of how well your child is performing against the competition so that it enables you to plan for the months ahead and leaves more time to address weak spots that have been identified in the feedback report. Some parents worry that their child is not ready for their first mock. We find that this is not a problem provided you manage your child's expectations and re-assure them that high scores are not expected and that there is plenty of time for improvement. At the end of the day, it is important for you to gauge whether your child is ahead of the competition or needs to do some extra work to catch up with their peers.
Which Mock Exam should I book?
The mock exam you need to book will depend on the school your child is sitting for. Details of the relevant schools are mentioned for each mock type exam.
What is a 'review session'?
Virtually all of our mocks now have a review session, which takes places immediately following a snack break after the children have sat their mock exam. These review sessions are conducted by our experienced in-house teachers who teach on our Year 5 programme. Each subject specialist teacher will review the hardest questions in the test papers, with step by step solutions illustrated on digital presentations. This is unique and valuable part of the mock exam service we provide, as it enables children to learn new techniques and ask an experienced teacher questions, whilst the exam content is fresh in their minds.
When will we get the results?
For in-person sittings, we provide the fastest turn-around of any mock provider and typically issue reports within a few hours after the mock has finished whilst the exam paper is still fresh in the child's mind. We have a team who are dedicated to the scanning and checking of the answer sheets so that we can issue the reports as quickly as possible. For larger events away from our own premises, we sometimes require more time of up to 24 hours. A Feedback Report will be sent by email providing you with the score, percentile ranking and feedback and access to the questions your child got incorrect or skipped to enable you to identify weak areas. For online exams, as these are attempted at different times, we will usually issue the reports within 24 - 48 hrs.
Do you charge extra for the Feedback Report?
All mocks include a detailed Feedback Report and we do not charge any optional extras.
What is included in the Feedback Report?
Although we do not provide the whole paper for copyright reasons, our reports are the most comprehensive available with any mock exam provider:
- Your child’s raw percentage score for each paper
- Your child's percentile score for each paper
- Your child’s ranking in the session for each paper
- Your child’s ranking in the overall cohort for each paper
- Your child’s raw percentage score for the combined papers in the mock
- Your child’s ranking in the session for the combined papers in the mock
- Your child’s ranking in the overall cohort for the combined papers in the mock
- Your child's percentile score in the session cohort for the combined papers in the mock
- Your child's percentile score in the overall cohort for the combined papers in the mock
- Total number of students sitting in the session
- Total number of students in the overall cohort
- High, Low and Average scores of the session cohort
- High, Low and Average scores of the overall cohort
- Access to view all skipped or incorrect questions as well as answers (some of the harder questions also contain video worked example)
- For each question your child skips or gets wrong, we also give you the percentage of peers that also skipped or got the same question wrong. This will give you an indication of the difficulty level of the question
- Bar chart showing breakdown of scores of the session cohort
- Bar chart showing breakdown of scores of the overall cohort
Will I get a copy of the mock paper?
Our mock papers are created after a lengthy process of testing so that they are as close as possible to the real exam. To protect our intellectual property, the full papers are not released. However, the feedback report will contain sufficient information for you to identify your child's weak spots and you will be able to view the questions that your child got incorrect or skipped.
What are the cancellation terms?
Please see our Booking Terms. We do not operate a ‘no refund’ policy as we appreciate that cancellations are necessary for genuine reasons. Therefore, we will allow cancellations up to 72 hrs before the scheduled mock exam subject to a cancellation fee of £15 for each mock exam cancelled. You will be refunded the balance of the price paid to the payment card that you used to make the booking.
Can I change the mock exam date booked?
Subject to availability you are able to freely change your mock exam booking online totally free of charge.
Will I get a refund if my child is ill on the day?
We regret that we are not able to offer refunds due to illness as we are not able to sell your child's mock exam place. In the event of a medical emergency on the day of the exam, or your child is required to self-isolate due to Covid-19, will offer you an alternative mock exam session or a full-refund.
What time should I arrive and collect my child?
Detailed schedule will be emailed to you approximately one week before each exam date. Usually, we request that you arrive at least 20 minutes prior to the start of the mock exam to allow time for a visit to the toilet and for children to be settled in the exam room before the exam commences. Children are handed over to our staff at the point of registration. The collection time will usually be no more than 5 to 15 minutes after the scheduled finish time of the exam session.
The advertised times on our website are approximate timings.
What should my child bring?
Children should bring a pencil case with two sharpened pencils and an eraser. Water will be available in the exam room, but we recommend that your child brings a small bottle of water, as some children are often too shy to ask for water. A small snack is allowed during the break times.
Can I accompany and settle my child in the exam room?
No. As with the real exam, in most cases, parents do not accompany their children to the exam room. Children are handed over at the point of registration
Is there a break between test papers?
Yes, usually this will be 10-15 minutes similar to the real exam in most areas. Children can stretch their legs and attend the toilet. There is also a break after the exam session and before the start of the teacher-led exam review.
Can I see my child during the break?
No, the Exam Centre will be closed for the duration of the mock exam. Parents should not return to the Centre earlier than 5 minutes before the exam is due to finish.
What happens if we are late?
There is no need for you to telephone us if you are running late because the mock exam will commence promptly at the advertised time in any case. Any child arriving late will be allowed to enter the exam room but will not normally be given extra time to finish the paper due to the tight schedule.
What is the venue of the mock exam?
Details of the venue will be contained in your booking. Please go to 'My Booking' where you will find a link to the venue. Most of the exams take place in our own centre, Eleven Plus Exams, Congress House, Ground Floor, Lyon Road, Harrow, HA1 2EN.
Do you have parking?
Our own venue, at Congress House, has a car park that is open to the public on weekends and bank holidays. 'Parking Eye' with Pay & Display operates with the following tariffs:
- First 20 mins - FREE
- Up to 1 hour - £1.00
- 1-2 hours - £1.80
- 2-3 hours - £2.50
- 3-4 hours - £4.00
You will be able to drop-off and pick-up your children without incurring a parking fee, provided you only park up to 25 minutes. Cameras are in operation and time limits are strictly applied.
Other venues at Westminster University and Bucks New University also have plenty of parking.
Do you have a parents waiting area?
We do not have the facility in our Congress House Centre for parents to wait. We are within 2 minutes’ walk of Harrow’s shopping precinct where there are plenty of coffee shops and eateries.
Do you have Health and Safety procedures?
The mock exam will take place either at our own premises or another venue, in a safe and controlled environment that complies with all health, safety and fire regulations. We also have CCTV in operation throughout our premises as well as security staff for the building. All our staff have DBS clearance and there will usually be at least one or more staff member on duty with first aid training. Children will remain at all times under the supervision of staff.